Online URL Encoder / Decoder

optimisation du moteur de recherche

URL Encoder / Decoder

Entrez le texte que vous souhaitez encoder ou décoder:

Sur URL Encoder / Decoder

Whether you want to encode a URL or decode it, our online URL encoder/decoder can help you with that. Enter the URL into the text box or upload the file, and click the relevant “Encode” or “Decode” button.

About Online URL Encoder/Decoder

SuTools bring you the smartest and fastest online URL Encoder/Decoder tool for free!

This online URL Encoder/Decoder tool is extremely helpful when adding special characters to a URL parameter which is also known often referred to as percent encoding. The process of URL encoding involves replacement of unallowable characters with a % (percent sign) and additional two hexadecimal values. While URL decoding works, if you want to know an email campaign or the newsletter’s source.