URL Rewriting Tool

Ottimizzazione del motore di ricerca

URL Rewriting Tool

Inserisci un URL

Eg. http://www.example.com/test.php?firstid=1&secondid=10

Di URL Rewriting Tool

About URL Rewriting Tool

Turn your long dynamic URLs into static ones using this URL Rewriting Tool by SuTools

This free URL Rewriting Tool will help you covert your long dynamic URL into a shorter and static one. This method is commonly used by website owners, webmasters and SEO experts because static URLs are preferred than dynamic ones because they are easier to remember for end-users and easier to bookmark when needed. Also, static URLs can help in optimization for search engine ranking purposes.

Creating a website and making it ready for search engine optimization takes a lot of time and effort. Even the very small details such as the type of URLs is important for a website because it can have a great effect on your website traffic as well as page rankings.

If you are still using long and dynamic URLs that are not web visitor and SEO-friendly, now is the time to improve your URLs by converting them to static URLs with the help of this URL rewriting tool.